Sunday, November 7, 2010

Pumpkin Galore!

We had a good sized pumpkin we never carved for Halloween.  I did not want it to go to waste.  While speaking with my mother, she suggested I make my own pumpkin puree.  It sounded easy enough. 
The smart thing I did was use the electric knife to slice the pumpkin open!

We had a small pie pumpkin I sliced and cleaned out as well. 

I baked the pumpkin halves for about 2 hours. 

At that point the skin peels right off. 

My puree ingredients

Sliced pumpkin

18 cups of puree

I then decided to make a pumpkin bread roll with a cream cheese filling. 

The bread out of the oven

Rolled up and cooling

The cream cheese filling

Rolled up and ready to slice

Very nice!


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